Guardian Warm Roof by Premier Roof Systems

Keeping You Covered: The Lowdown on Putting a Roof on a Conservatory

Conservatories have an average best-use lifespan of about 20 years. When you feel you need to make improvements to yours, you should ask yourself whether putting a roof on your conservatory might be the wisest investment.

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PVC Roof Lantern Selection Guide

There is nothing as off-putting as a dark and dingy interior space; it is not only unappealing but also boring. PVC roof lanterns were designed to alleviate this design problem by letting in natural light that transforms any property into an appealing, bright and warm space. Choosing the right PVC roof lantern fittings, shape and location ensures that you get an architectural centrepiece and a feature to be proud of because it raises your home’s value. That said, here is a guide on how to determine the right roof lantern positioning, dimensions and materials in a bid to ensure that you achieve perfect results.

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