Construction worker installing window in house | Premier Roof Systems UK

uPVC Window Installation: A Brief Guide

If you’re about to have new windows fitted in your home, it’s important to know what to expect when your installers arrive. Our uPVC Window Installation Guide is for curious customers interested in the process…

At Premier Roof Systems, we have designed, manufactured, supplied and installed all kinds of high-performance glazing systems for both residential and commercial properties.

From roof lanterns to standard replacement windows, the most fundamental aspect of any window system is how well it’s fitted. It’s no good having the latest technological advances built into a unit if it’s not fitted properly!

So if you’re interested in the process behind fitting replacement windows, our uPVC installation guide is here to make sure you’re prepared beforehand, and that you understand the process as it takes place in your home.

Remember, this isn’t a guide that will give you all the skills necessary to install uPVC windows yourself — you’ll need proper accreditation to do that — but it will give you all the information you need so that you can understand the process while your home renovation work is being carried out.

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Christmas Closure Notice 2018 - Premier Roof Systems

Christmas Closure Notice 2018


Premier Roof Systems will be closed over the Christmas period from Monday 24th December and will re-open on the 7th January 2019 at 8:00am. Please find below our latest ordering dates to ensure deliveries before Christmas. Normal lead times apply. Any orders received after these dates will be delivered in the New Year, on your normal delivery day, as specified below.

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Guardian Warm Roof by Premier Roof Systems

Keeping You Covered: The Lowdown on Putting a Roof on a Conservatory

Conservatories have an average best-use lifespan of about 20 years. When you feel you need to make improvements to yours, you should ask yourself whether putting a roof on your conservatory might be the wisest investment.

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Modern Composite Doors - Premier Roof Systems

Fresh Facts about Modern Composite Doors

A door will make a statement about the property and its owners. For every home owner, the dream is to have a door that protects your properties and adds beauty to your house. Modern Composite Doors are designed to deliver a mix of advantages that will blow your mind. They are functional, beautiful and will meet your house design expectations. Here are fresh advantages of using these doors on your house.

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Composite Doors

Getting Value for Composite Doors Installation

A door says a lot about a house and its owner. It is a statement of style and will also assign value to the property. By looking at a door, you can assess the status of a home and its owner. Composite Doors installation combines all these elements to give you a door that will meet and exceed your expectations. Professionals in home styling have highlighted the elements that will give value to your choice of door. Here are some of these factors.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Premier Roof Systems

Christmas & New Year Closure

We will be closing down for our annual Christmas and New Year shutdown on Thursday 21st December 2017 and full operations will resume on Tuesday 3rd January 2018. The team at Premier Roof Systems wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.